Card counting is a blackjack strategy that you can use to increase and potentially overcome an edge. It is easier to learn and understand, contrary to what people believe. These techniques can be used individually or to complement other options, such as basic blackjack strategy. This article will help you learn the most effective way to count cards and other possible benefits.
Step by Step Card Counting Tutorial
Counting cards requires guidance, otherwise you will quickly fall off the wagon. A systematic approach to card counting involves the following:
Learn Card Values
Standard card counting techniques provide card values. Cards 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are worth +1. Cards 7, 8, and 9 are worth 0. Cards 10, J, Q, K, and Ace are worth -1.
Counting Cards
You need to keep a ‘running count’ of all the cards on the table using the values above. For example, if the dealer consecutively shows 6, 2, K, 9, then Ace, then the count is +1, +1, -1, 0, then -1, which is equal to 0.
You can practice this by using a 6 or 8 deck of cards and continuing to count them as you shuffle them. If you lose count, take the cards dealt to check your tally. This can be a bit challenging for online blackjack because the deck is shuffled after each play.
Calculate the Actual Count
Blackjack was originally played using a single deck, giving players the lowest house edge. This makes the calculations much easier, and basic blackjack strategy can almost eliminate the house advantage.
However, those days are gone, as dealers now use 6 to 8 card decks at the blackjack table. This increases the house edge and makes card counting difficult. But you can still overcome these changes.
You need to calculate the actual count based on the number of decks used at the table. The method is to divide the running count by the number of decks. For example, if your running total is +24 and you have 8 decks, your actual number is +3.
The tally actually affects the casino’s advantage for the remainder of the deck. For example, if you have a true count of +2 with 8 decks, this means that with optimal play, the casino no longer has an advantage. This makes it more profitable for you as a player.
Take Advantage of the Count
The importance of blackjack card counting is to increase your chances of winning. Once you have a firm count, you need to use it by betting accordingly. We recommend starting with small bet sizes and working your way up as the actual count becomes more profitable.
Having an advantage over the house edge will result in more profits. Be careful about the betting units you choose and bet with precision regarding the actual count. You can build from there until the odds seem unfavorable, then you can pull back and wait until you’re ready to move on again.
Make Necessary Changes to the Basics
As the game progresses and the total value increases, you will realize that basic strategy is no longer reliable. This can get complicated, and you will have to deviate from that strategy and take alternative solutions. You can start betting using mathematically driven statistics to be more efficient.
With a true count of 3+, you can start making popular deviations like:
- Buy insurance at the Ace dealer
- Split instead of standing in position for 10 seconds
- Stand on 12 against the dealer’s 2 or 3
- Standing on 13 against 2 dealers
- Stand at 16 against the dealer’s 10
- Double 9 against the dealer’s 7
- Double 10 against the dealer’s Ace
What is the Easiest Way to Count Cards in Blackjack?
So far, we have established that card counting involves assigning a positive, zero, or negative value to certain cards. There are various blackjack card counting systems, each having its own unique approach to the technique. Some popular ones include:
Hi Lo
Hi-Lo is the most popular card counting system. This allows you to assign blackjack card values to the high and low cards in the deck. The basics are that the more high value cards you have left, the more profitable the game will be for you. The more low value cards remaining, the more profit the casino makes. This system allows you to play larger bets as the running value increases.
Cards 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are worth +1. Cards 7, 8, and 9 are worth 0. Cards 10, J, Q, K, and Ace are worth -1.
Seven Red
As the name highlights, card 7 is important to this system. With this system, red 7s (7 of hearts and 7 of diamonds) are +1, and black 7s (7 of spades and 7 of clubs) are 0. This is ideal for beginners and has recently gained popularity among bettors.
Aces, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are worth +1. Cards 8 and 9 are worth 0. Cards 10, J, Q, and K are worth -1.
KO is almost similar to the Hi-Lo system, it only has one significant difference. Unlike its sibling system, KO values 7 as +1. It is also one of the easiest systems to learn.
Cards 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are worth +1. Cards 8 and 9 are worth 0. Cards 10, J, Q, K, and Ace are worth -1.
KISS is a unique card counting system, and one of its defining characteristics is that it scores half the deck as 0. There are many versions of KISS used by players across the board, but many use an outline for the basic version.
Cards 4, 5, and 6 are worth +1. Aces, 2, 3, 7, 8, and 9 are worth 0. Cards 10, J, Q, and K are worth -1.
Omega II
Omega II is a more complex counting system. This introduces +2 and -2 blackjack card values, making calculations somewhat difficult if you are not familiar with the system.
Cards 4, 5, and 6 are worth +2. Cards 2, 3, and 7 are worth +1. Cards 8 and Ace are worth 0. Card 9 is worth -1. Card 10 is -2.
Hi-Opt is in a collection of computing systems that are considered optimal. They require skills to master and use them effectively. Unlike Omega II, it does not have a -1 value.
Cards 4 and 5 are +2. Cards 2, 3, 6, and 7 are worth +1. Cards 8, 9, and Ace are worth 0. Cards 10, J, Q, and K are worth -2.
Zen Count
Zen Count resembles Omega II and HI-Opt but has a different distribution of blackjack card values. This is also an optimal system, offering +2 and -2 card values.
Cards 4, 5, and 6 are worth +2. Cards 2, 3, and 7 are worth +1. Cards 8 and 9 are worth 0. Aces are worth -1. Cards 10, J, Q, and K total -2.
Wong’s part
Of the systems that are considered optimal, this has a positive impact on complex problems. Different from conventional +2 and -2, Wong Halve uses different denominations to distribute values. This makes calculating the number of runs difficult. However, it is recognized as one of the most successful blackjack card counting systems.
Card 5 is +1.5. Cards 3, 4, and 6 are worth +1. Cards 2 and 7 are worth +0.5. Card 8 is worth 0. Card 9 is worth -0.5. Cards 10, J, Q, K, and Ace add up to -1.
How to Choose the Right Counting System
There are four main considerations you should make when choosing the right card counting system and learning how to play blackjack with it. Betting Correlation (BC) is the effectiveness of a calculating system in predicting valuable betting situations compared to a computer system.
Playing Efficiency (PE) measures the effectiveness of a system for determining the correct game variation. Insurance Correlation (IC) measures the accuracy of the system in determining the ideal time to buy insurance. Finally, balanced or unbalanced is a count that starts and ends at 0.
How Does Blackjack Card Counting Work?
Contrary to what many bettors believe, card counting is not about memorizing the cards dealt from a shoe. You don’t need to keep a perfect record of the 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, or 6s in previous hands. Instead, you need to have a rough idea of the residual value of the deck. This allows you to change your playing style and bet size accordingly.
Blackjack is one of the games with the best odds in the casino and still leaves room for betting strategy. Because you decide your moves after each hand, statistics from blackjack card counting can help you influence the outcome. Blackjack favors players with card values of 10 or 11. Effective card counting can help you keep track of the ratio between low and high cards, thereby possibly gaining an edge over the dealer.
Can You Count Cards in Online Blackjack?
You can count cards while playing blackjack in a live casino if you have the right tips. You should start by learning and understanding basic strategy because card counting depends on it.
Examine the blackjack rules required for card counting, such as 3:2 hand payout, 2:1 insurance payout, dealer standing on 17, allowance for splitting multiple times, and doubling down on all hands.
Study the table to see how often the dealer shuffles the cards or changes shoes. Always remember to manage your money to avoid unnecessary losses. Blackjack card counting requires practice to master the techniques and use them effectively.
Is counting cards in blackjack illegal?
Card counting as a blackjack strategy is not considered cheating. It just uses your brain, similar to what a chess player does. Luckily, using your brain is legal in online gambling!
What is the math behind counting cards?
In card counting, there are blackjack hand values assigned to certain cards. The 10, Ace, and face cards are worth -1, the 7, 8, and 9 are worth 0, and the 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are +1. As a card counter, you will add up all the cards dealt using this system to get a ‘count’.
How to practice counting cards yourself?
You can practice blackjack card counting at home by shuffling 6 to 8 decks of cards and then dealing them out. You can check the cards dealt without any restrictions in case you lose count. It is better to practice on your own than to lose money in online casinos.
How effective is card counting in blackjack?
A common misconception is that you will always win with blackjack card counting, although this is not always the case. You can expect to win with card counting in the long run as you gain a 1% to 2% advantage, but even then, winning is still 50/50.
How to tell if someone is counting cards?
]Players who count cards often make unique blackjack betting strategy changes that non-counters typically don’t use. Possible signs of this are game irregularities such as splitting 10s, standing on 15/16, giving up on 14s, and doubling down on 18s, 19s, or 20s, even though basic blackjack strategy says otherwise.
How long does it take to learn to count cards?
It takes 100 to 200 hours or more of consistent blackjack card counting practice to master this betting strategy. You need additional time to master the casino patterns to beat the edge.
Last Updated: 11.27.2024